Kilometric rate 2024
January 2024
The CRA standard mileage deduction rate for the year 2024 has recently been unveiled, and we are delighted to inform you of the new rates that will be in effect. This update has the potential to positively impact your finances, so please take a moment to review.
Kilometric rate 2024
The new rates are:
0.70 per kilometer for the first 5,000 km driven
0.64 per kilometer after the first 5,000 km travelled
Northwest Territories, Yukon and Nunavut, an additional $0.04 per kilometer for travel.
That means even more money for your mileage in the new year. You don't have to do a thing: we'll automatically update your application and future reports with the new rate on January 1ᵉʳ, 2024.
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